lookin' for her

I'm looking for a moment with you,
but I can't find you with any candle.
I'm waiting for time, when I've got you
but I don't know where, and how can I find you.
I'm sorry, Im wtitting so bad,
but our language don't needs any words.
My friendly love, always behind you...


Średnia ocena: 10
Kategoria: Miłosne Data dodania 2009-01-06 17:05
Komentarz autora:
Napisz wiadomość Dodaj do listy znajomych Strona glówna < zonk486 > < wiersze >
zonk486 | 2009-01-09 17:47 |
Why did you write this comment in english? A podobno polacy nie gęsi, i swój język mają...
Miruna | 2009-01-09 12:54 |
So interesting...so beautiful and very authentic,truthful, romantic...
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