The Wrath of God's Will

No one is innocent.
He tempted You, You did it.
Your sin is written in God's book,
He writes on it one more time,
each time You repeat it the letters
are harder to delete.

You cannot turn the time back,
it is too late, You can cry and regret
and beg God for forgiveness before your death
or You can take it with dignity.

Terror came with the winter to my city
as the police found the first victim.
News let the information out
and scared sad human crows
causing the wave of anxiety overdose.

Your life for me has completly no meaning.
This is the time of my bloody work beginning.
I can smell your stinking sins
and this is the gift of mine
so I can be absolutely sure
if it's You to die.

I don't know how many of you
until spring will I kill.

I have that feeling that I am
The Wrath of God's Will.


Średnia ocena: - Kategoria: Inne Data dodania 2014-11-03 20:24
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