I am such today

I close my eyes,
only for a short moment,
in which I will feel you once again.
Your presence urge, smile, breath.
Your faith, power and love just near me.

I open eyes on longest moment,
in order to invade to new life.
without those dreams, memories, and reliance.

Here I don't have you.
You won't return.
Never you won't look here already.

You have left me, passion full, departing.
Passion is evil.
Passion is bad.
Passion is our sin.

Now allow me to pay for that sin with you together,
allow to come for you,
allow to see your face not closing eyes.


Średnia ocena: 8
Kategoria: Miłosne Data dodania 2006-06-28 19:59
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Napisz wiadomość Dodaj do listy znajomych Strona glówna < Linka > < wiersze >
Kara Kaczor | 2006-06-28 20:44 |
wiersz poprawny, ale nie nadzwyczajny :) witam nowš koleżankę na er :)
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