Wedding gift

So now you're married if I'm right
Her hair was up, her dress was white
You two just smiled, your mother cried
You danced a lot, the guests got drunk

So she's the one to steal your heart
To be the mother, be the wife
To love you 'til the end of time
To rule, to save, to keep and guard

And I'm the one who's left behind
To be alone, forgotten, sad
But what if all my love was right
But came too late, came at wrong time?


Średnia ocena: 10
Kategoria: Miłosne Data dodania 2018-08-21 23:01
Komentarz autora: The best wedding gift to give your ex lover is to write him a very strange poem
Napisz wiadomość Dodaj do listy znajomych Strona glówna < Johana > < wiersze >
Johana | 2018-08-22 19:56 |
Ale Ty wiesz, że wiersze pisane w innych językach rządzą się innymi prawami?
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