I 4get this
I 4get that
But I never 4get
I'm your dad.
I 4get to eat meat
I 4get to eat bread
But I never 4get
To put you to bed.
I 4get to read
I 4get to write
But I never 4get
To kiss you good night.
I 4get things early
I 4get things late
But I never 4get
Your birthday date!
I 4get to mass
I 4get to pray
But I never 4get
You're 4 today!


Średnia ocena: 10
Kategoria: Dla dzieci Data dodania 2012-09-18 22:02
Komentarz autora:
Napisz wiadomość Dodaj do listy znajomych Strona glówna < angsta > < wiersze >
Michal76 | 2012-09-19 12:34 |
Roztargniony lecz kochający daddy. I to się liczy. ;-)
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